Thursday, March 8, 2012

Harumph . . .

Sooooo  . . .  this journey is a very, very, very slow-go.   I got sick : (    I thought I had a simple cold but it turns out that it was a sinus infection, and then I got bronchitis!!!  Talk about a double whammy!

    I'm trying to lose weight but I just don't feel good. bah!  However I AM NOT GIVING UP!  A slow start is a slow start : (   I am going to try to make up for lost time, even though it's going to be hell!

 [Stay strong and continue on!]

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weigh In - Month One

Are you ready for a doozy??  Here are my wonderful (pitiful) body statistics:

age:  21

height:  5' 6"

weight:  230 lbs (woah!)

measurements:       chest: 47"                
                                waist:  43.5"   
                                hips:  46"                   
                                thigh:  26.5"    
                                upper arm:  15"      
                                love-handles:  50"  (super woah!)

First let me say I have a weird body shape,  I gain most of my weight in the belly area (not evenly like other full figured women)  : (    Also that I NEED TO GET FIT!!!   Here it goes . . .

Truth Time

Okay, so I have to fess up about something . . . I never journaled/blogged/vlogged before.  I am a journaling/blogging/vlogging virgin!   I am FREAKING OUT (well just really excited, its four in the morning here)!

I don't know whether I should use proper language, or just blurt out all the stuff that comes to mind (like I apparently am doing now)?   So I am taking this as I go along, and I hope that I do not offend anyone with my sometimes vulgar language and posts.

I'm glad everyone will enjoy my experience of losing my blog/vlog/journaling virginity with me.  Wish me luck!   : )

Alright . . . Here It Goes . . .

I am a  FAT GIRL; plain and simple (no ifs, ands, or buts about it).  I have struggled with my weight for a majority of my life, and its all because I love food.  Food is yummy, and I like it all (well most of it anyway).  I have poor eating habits (I tend not to eat all day, then eat plenty late at night), and now I want to make a lifestyle change.  Not only do I want to lose weight but get a grip on my future.

As a junior in college, I have gained in the past 2.5 years a whopping 50 pounds.  Ha! 50 Pounds!!  -- Lets just say my major was not an approved curriculum --  I want a change/need a change because honestly I am sick and tired of being the  Funny Fat Girl.  I plan from this day forward to change my life.  I am going to start eating healthier, work out more, and hopefully graduate in the near future.  

With this blog, I am going to document this HARD-ASS road.  I will show you/tell you my progress, what goes on in my mind, how I feel and honestly anything else that comes to mind.  This is a journey, a journey to totally reinvent my way of life.  I hope my struggles and hopefully triumph will inspire others to do the same.   It will be hard, no doubt about it, but I am ready to do what it takes.  I